latest 20 messages by eip`

+ [2014-07-15T16:53:44Z] eip` thats what im trying to do, but I'd rather solve a problem by learning instead of going over way too much material just to solve a problem
+ [2014-07-15T15:46:35Z] eip` any hint guys?
+ [2014-07-15T15:42:52Z] eip` but in my case the twitter thingy appears on bottom of the page, not on the right side
+ [2014-07-15T15:42:34Z] eip` I followed those steps:
+ [2014-07-15T15:42:28Z] eip` im trying to add twitter aside
+ [2014-07-15T15:42:21Z] eip` I have another problem guys
+ [2014-07-15T15:14:37Z] eip` when I open it on chrome on windows it shows the button like that website lol
+ [2014-07-15T15:14:19Z] eip` Maior: lol, I was opening it on my linux box with iceweasel
+ [2014-07-15T14:41:19Z] eip` i'll download it and check it out
+ [2014-07-15T14:41:09Z] eip` ok yep got you now
+ [2014-07-15T14:41:00Z] eip` ok I thought there was some easy way to set it up in the configuration files or something
+ [2014-07-15T14:40:09Z] eip` what do you mean ?
+ [2014-07-15T14:40:02Z] eip` excuse me im not following you xD
+ [2014-07-15T14:36:36Z] eip` comb?
+ [2014-07-15T14:34:20Z] eip` at the moment, on my page it shows "GitHub" how do I change it to an icon like that?
+ [2014-07-15T14:33:59Z] eip` like this guy did for example:
+ [2014-07-15T14:33:53Z] eip` ok, to make it very short, im trying to include in my page the button of github, besides the search bar
+ [2014-07-15T14:33:20Z] eip` sure
+ [2014-07-15T14:32:50Z] eip` can I pm you , or you'd rather want me to write it here?
+ [2014-07-15T14:31:35Z] eip` can someone help me a couple of minutes?